Welcome To mkmrtg.sh

Hi! If your here it must mean your familiar with MRTG. The basis of this page is to help you with a front-end for MRTG. A quick over-view can be found to the right in the Who, What, Why, Where, How section.

Currently, mkmrtg.sh is up to Version 0.9
Remember to check out the stuff on the right.
Then click here to jump to the code. :)


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Version 0.8

#! /bin/bash

# Version 0.8

### CONFIG ###
# What Kind Of Image Output Does Your MRTG Setup Produce? PNG or GIF?
# Where Is Your MRTG Output Located?

### USAGE ###
#` Place this script in /usr/local/bin (or /usr/bin)
# chmod 700 mkmrtg.sh
# ./mkmrtg.sh
# Note: This script assumes your nodes are all in the same place.
# Example:
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE1/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE2/
# Then point your browser to the local machine (however you setup your Apache).

# Yeah! mkmrtg.sh can now be run from anywhere on your system. My suggestion is to keep it in some place like "/usr/local/bin".
# Depending on how you installed MRTG, you may have "gif" images instead of "png" images. If so, change "png" to "gif" at the top.
# If your output from MRTG is not located in "/srv/www/htdocs/mrtg" then you need to change the location variable "loc" at the top to the place you pointed your MRTG output.
# Please make sure there are NO "-" (dashes) in your interface identifyer! Example: "eth0-1" is NOT good. Use "eth0_1" instead. :)

### FUTURE ###
# - Notes Section via Config file
# - PHP Integration
# - Web Based Mangement via PHP
# - Clean Up Coding :)

for h in `ls $loc | fgrep -v "."`
echo "<html><head><title>MRTG:$h</title><meta http-equiv=refresh content=60></head><body>" > $htlc/$html
echo "<h3>MRTG:$h</h3><hr width=500 align=left><table border=0>" >> $htlc/$html
for s in `ls $htlc | grep $pic | grep day`
htnm=`echo "$s" | cut -d"." -f1 | cut -d"-" -f1`
echo "<tr><td><a href=$htnm.html><img src=$s border=0></a></td><td>$htnm</td></tr>" >> $htlc/$html
echo "</table></body></html>" >> $htlc/$html

rm $loc/index.html

echo "<html><head><title>Navigation</title></head><body>" > $nvdr
echo "<h4>MRTG Nodes</h4><table border=0>" >> $nvdr
for m in `find $loc | fgrep "index.html" | grep -v "~" | sort -n | cut -d"g" -f2 | cut -d"/" -f2-200`
indn=`echo "$m" | cut -d"/" -f1`
echo "<tr><td><a href=$m target=view><font size=2>$indn</font></a></td></tr>" >> $nvdr
echo "</table></body></html>" >> $nvdr

echo "<html><head><title>MRTG On `hostname`</title></head><frameset cols=200,100%><frame src=nav.html><frame src=welcome.html name=view></frameset>" > $loc/index.html

echo "<html><head><title>Welcome</title></head>" > $loc/welcome.html
echo "<h3>Welcome To MRTG!</h3>" > $loc/welcome.html
echo "<p>The 'Nodes' column on the left contains all nodes that you have selected to monitor via MRTG." >> $loc/welcome.html
echo "<p>Have fun! :D<p><font color=grey>mkmrtg.sh - Ver. 0.8" >> $loc/welcome.html
echo "<p>Script & Front-End Written By Joe McShinsky <font size=0>(Contributions Noted In Script)</font></font>" >> $loc/welcome.html

Version 0.7

#! /bin/bash

# Version 0.7

# Yeah! mkmrtg.sh can now be run from anywhere on your system. My suggestion is to keep it in some place like "/usr/local/bin".
# Depending on how you installed MRTG, you may have "gif" images instead of "png" images. If so, change "png" to "gif". Its only in one spot below.
# If your output from MRTG is not located in "/srv/www/htdocs/mrtg" then you need to change the location variable "loc" below to the place you pointed your MRTG output.

### USAGE ###
#` Place this script in /usr/local/bin (or /usr/bin)
# chmod 700 mkmrtg.sh
# ./mkmrtg.sh
# Note: This script assumes your nodes are all in the same place.
# Example:
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE1/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE2/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE3/
# NOTE: Please make sure there are NO "-" (dashes) in your interface identifyer! Example: "eth0-1" is NOT good. Use "eth0_1" instead. :)
# Then point your browser to the local machine (however you setup your Apache).

### FUTURE ###
# - Notes Section via Config file
# - PHP Integration
# - Web Based Mangement via PHP
# - Clean Up Coding :)

for h in `ls $loc | fgrep -v "."`


echo "<html><head><title>MRTG:$h</title><meta http-equiv=refresh content=60></head><body>" > $htlc/$html
echo "<h3>MRTG:$h</h3><hr width=500 align=left><table border=0>" >> $htlc/$html

for s in `ls $htlc | grep png | grep day`
htnm=`echo "$s" | cut -d"." -f1 | cut -d"-" -f1`
echo "<tr><td><a href=$htnm.html><img src=$s border=0></a></td><td>$htnm</td></tr>" >> $htlc/$html
echo "</table></body></html>" >> $htlc/$html

rm $loc/index.html

echo "<html><head><title>Navigation</title></head><body>" > $nvdr
echo "<h4>MRTG Nodes</h4><table border=0>" >> $nvdr

for m in `find $loc | fgrep "index.html" | grep -v "~" | sort -n | cut -d"g" -f2 | cut -d"/" -f2-200`
#for m in `find $loc | fgrep "index.html" | grep -v "~" | sort -n | cut -d"." -f2-200 | cut -d"/" -f2-200`
indn=`echo "$m" | cut -d"/" -f1`
echo "<tr><td><a href=$m target=view><font size=2>$indn</font></a></td></tr>" >> $nvdr

echo "</table></body></html>" >> $nvdr

echo "<html><head><title>MRTG On `hostname`</title></head><frameset cols=200,100%><frame src=nav.html><frame src=welcome.html name=view></frameset>" > $loc/index.html

echo "<html><head><title>Welcome</title></head>" > $loc/welcome.html
echo "<h3>Welcome To MRTG!</h3>" > $loc/welcome.html
echo "<p>The 'Nodes' column on the left contains all nodes that you have selected to monitor via MRTG." >> $loc/welcome.html
echo "<p>Have fun! :D<p><font color=grey>mkmrtg.sh - Ver. 0.7" >> $loc/welcome.html
echo "<p>Script & Front-End Written By Joe McShinsky <font size=0>(Contributions Noted In Script)</font></font>" >> $loc/welcome.html

Monday, August 25, 2008

Version 0.6

#! /bin/bash

# Version 0.6

# Currently, as far as I know, this needs to br run from /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg.
# Taking a quick look, I can see that I just need to update:
# for h in `ls | fgrep -v "."`
# to: for h in `ls $loc | fgrep -v "."`
# With $loc being set prior to this line.
# Depending on how you installed MRTG, you may have "gif" images instead of "png"
# images. If so, change "png" to "gif". Its only in one spot below.

### USAGE ###
# Place this script in /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg
# chmod 700 mkmrtg.sh
# ./mkmrtg.sh
# Note: This script assumes your nodes are all in the same place.
# Example:
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE1/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE2/
# /srv/www/htdocs/mrtg/NODE3/
# Then point your browser to the local machine (however you setup your Apache).

### FUTURE ###
# - Update Location Problem
# - Notes Section via Config file
# - PHP Integration
# - Web Based Mangement via PHP
# - Clean Up Coding :)

for h in `ls | fgrep -v "."`


echo "<html><head><title>MRTG:$h</title><meta http-equiv=refresh content=60></head><body>" > $htlc/$html
echo "<h3>MRTG:$h</h3><hr width=500 align=left><table border=0>" >> $htlc/$html

for s in `ls $htlc | grep png | grep day`
htnm=`echo "$s" | cut -d"." -f1 | cut -d"-" -f1`
echo "<tr><td><a href=$htnm.html><img src=$s border=0></a></td><td>$htnm</td></tr>" >> $htlc/$html
echo "</table></body></html>" >> $htlc/$html

rm index.html

echo "<html><head><title>Navigation</title></head><body>" > $nvdr
echo "<h4>MRTG Nodes</h4><table border=0>" >> $nvdr

for m in `find | fgrep "index.html" | grep -v "~" | sort -n | cut -d"." -f2-200 | cut -d"/" -f2-200`
indn=`echo "$m" | cut -d"/" -f1`
echo "<tr><td><a href=$m target=view><font size=2>$indn</font></a></td></tr>" >> $nvdr

echo "</table></body></html>" >> $nvdr

echo "<html><head><title>MRTG On `hostname`</title></head><frameset cols=200,100%><frame src=nav.html><frame src=welcome.html name=view></frameset>" > index.html

echo "<html><head><title>Welcome</title></head>" > welcome.html
echo "<h3>Welcome To MRTG!</h3>" > welcome.html
echo "<p>The 'Nodes' column on the left contains all nodes that you have selected to monitor via MRTG." >> welcome.html
echo "<p>Have fun! :D<p><font color=grey>mkmrtg.sh - Ver. 0.6" >> welcome.html
echo "<p>Script & Front-End Written By Joe McShinsky <font size=0>(Contributions Noted In Script)</font></font>" >> welcome.html

Thursday, August 21, 2008


It may not have a lot of bells & whistles but it gets the job done and its easy to navigate.